Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Selfish Plug.

So, I wouldn't be a typical blogger if I didn't post about a product or a company that I love. I also wouldn't be a very good business owner if I didn't post about my own company. So here it goes:

My brother-in-law (Joseph Cottle) and I have a photography business. We love it! It is called "Afton & Co."

We officially started it last year but have always loved photography. We take turns taking pictures and editing. Right now however, we are both kind of doing both at the same time so we can excel at each.

We photograph everything from babies to weddings. Check us out & "Like" us on Facebook! ----->Afton & Co.

My husband is currently coding our website and it is almost finished!! We are totally stoked about it. Stay tuned for the link to our website!

Email me if you want to know prices before the website is up!

Ok, I am done with my selfishness. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Baby Belly Wannabe

Every woman at least once in their lives goes to Motherhood to try on the bellies. Even when you aren't pregnant. I know you've done it. Common admit it. I remember doing it with my sister once when she wasn't pregnant but wanted to be. I even did it when I wasn't pregnant and made my mom do it too. Haha. Fun times. Anyways. I had to see what I would look like when I'm huge and ugly more pregnant and beautiful. (hehe) So, my friend Julie and I definitely had too much fun looking at maternity clothes. Here is the end result:

Hehe. I am so pasty. lol

Sunday, February 19, 2012

9 Weeks!

So, I am 9 weeks now. The baby is the size of an olive! Which is 0.7 oz and 0.9 inches. We had our 8 week appointment last week and it went really well. We don't get to hear the heart beat or have an ultra sound until 11 weeks. :( That's ok though. Funny thing that Gabe said at the appointment: The nurse asked if he was the father and he said "That's what she tells me." haha! If you know my husband then you know that it's not something he would normally said. It was funny.

Also new information: I am feeling amazing lately. I don't feel sick at all! I am so amazed and happy.'s what you have all been waiting for. A new belly picture!

I definitely do not have a baby belly yet. But it's getting there!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Mornoonight" Sickness

Like my awesome word making skills? "Mornoonight" = Morning, Noon, and Night
I think that they should definitely change morning sickness to mornoonight sickness because pregnant women definitely get sick during all parts of the day. If you don't get sick or only get sick in the morning then you are a lucky bum and I will be eternally jealous of you.

I thought this post I would talk a little about morning sickness and what different methods people have told me to use to fix it or just make it a little bit better.

First of all, my body has no pattern. This makes it difficult. Some mornings I wake up feeling terrible and just want to stay in bed because I'm afraid I will puke my guts out if I stand up. Btw I have not outright puked yet. *cheering* For that I am thankful. Other mornings I feel fine. Then, sometimes I will feel really sick so I will eat something and feel better. Other times I feel fine and then I eat and feel terrible. What's with that?

At night is the WORST! I always have that empty stomach feeling which makes me really sick. So. I try and eat healthy foods so that way I will fill up but not eat a bunch of junk. That doesn't work. Carrots = bad news. Carrots make me feel even worse! Whyyyyyyyy??

Little did I know this precious orange carrot is something I would begin to hate.

Ok, on to the methods that could help other people but so far have not helped me that much.

1. Take your prenatal at night.
I don't feel sick after taking my daily prenatal so that would not help I'm assuming

2. My husbands method: Stuff veggies down my throat. "You need more nutrition!" "Noooo!!!"
Just kidding, I actually cooperate most of the time. This actually doesn't make a noticeable difference but I know it's good for me.

3. Eat small amounts of food throughout the day instead of big meals.
This doesn't seem to help because of the whole my body has no pattern. This is also probably good for me though.

4. Preggie Pops
I have yet to find these. I wish I could though. Maybe they would help. :(

5. Drink lots and lots of water
This actually helps because it puts something in my stomach but nothing that will upset it.
h2o = awesome

So, does anyone else have anything that they would like to suggest?
I know you all (haha, all. I don't even know who reads my blog) are probably wanting a new belly picture. I figured I would take one next week because it will be 8 weeks. My appointment with my O.B. is also next week! Yay! We get to hear the baby's heart beat. I will be sure to update you about the appointment!