Thursday, April 26, 2012


So, I've been thinking about this for a while now and my friend (who is also pregnant) shared a video
with me that fit with my blog post so I figured I would share it. :)

I cracked up! So funny. This couple has a lot of other funny videos. I think it's mostly funny for parents or new parents. Anyways, on to my post.

I've been thinking about the Mommy & Daddy styles or "swagger". I know this is a hard concept to grasp but just roll with me here. My mind can go weird places. (trust me) So, you look at the families and think how cute they are and you automatically associate them with having their own style. Take a couple of families that I know at my church and everywhere. (I will not name any names on this but I'm pretty sure some of you will know who these people are.)

Family 1. (We will call their swagger "Chic-alishis")
There is one family who always seem to have it all together. The Mom is the most beautiful person you will ever meet and she always looks amazing. She has three kids and she always shows up to church looking great no matter what day it is, as do her kids. HOW?! Her husband works and she is a stay at home mom. How in the heck does she do it?!

Family 2. (We will call their swagger "Rock-a-by-swag")
Another family I know through a family member has the coolest style. I think they have like 20 kids. Just Kidding. I think they have 6. For that I give them props because seriously, I would die. They are all like punk rocker. All of them. I know what you are thinking, "Really? I bet they look really weird." Quite the contrary. They look awesome. When you see them all together they look so put together and cool. Also, they all have like name brand clothes which make them look really cool anyways.

Those are just a couple of examples. How in the world do these families coin their own Swag? Gabe and I don't have any swag. We are just.....Gabe & Caitlin. So, how are we going to have style when we have this child and everything goes to hell in a hand basket slightly crazy. Cool Moms and Dads. Please share your secrets. Because I got nothin'. I don't want to be known as the weird family who never showers. Haha.

Ok. Now that you have endured my strange mindedness. go....think.....share....with me.

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