Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Baby Afton Gender Reveal!

Alright. So, after a long appointment of the baby moving THE ENTIRE TIME we finally found out what it is. Apparently we have a very active baby. It was so cute though. The baby kept grabbing it's foot and waving it's arms. It was quite incredible. First off, pictures of the cute little thing. :)

Love it!



We are having a girl! We are totally psyched! Beyond words honestly.
Her name you ask? The name for our beautiful little girl is going to be.........

Aria Noelle Afton

Here are pictures of the grandparent's reactions. Gabe made yummy cupcakes for the reveal.

Yay! We are so excited for our amazing future with our daughter.


  1. So happy for your family! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Reveal! Xoxo! - Shelli

  2. that is great I am happy for both of u

  3. congrads to u both iam happy for u.Tammy T.

  4. Congratulations guys! so happy to be having a beautiful new baby cousin with a beautiful name. Look forward to meeting her soon! love, Skyler
